You’re setting off around Poland by bicycle, while some parents have to set off with their children to...
In addition to riding solo, when we can rely only on ourselves, Race Around Poland also includes various...
Now, when you know all the Time Stations in this year's RAP, it's high time to introduce you to the latest...
For all those who are just preparing for the RAP Challenge 300, an interesting fact may be that the...
It's time for a recap of all our Time Stations on Race Around Poland 2022! TS 1 - Mikołaj i Wilk....
We would like to remind you that continuously since its first edition, Race Around Poland is an official...
Have you already booked your place for our RAP Challenge 300?! We hope so, but if you still haven't, then...
Just like last year, Race Around Poland will support the campaign Filipowe Kilometry!!! According to...
During Race Around Poland 2022, our athletes will be able to drink cold Red Bulls on the race track. We...